Monday, July 18, 2016

Fear or Love

Fear is powerful.

But not as powerful as love.

Fear builds walls.

Love builds bridges.

Fear must create “others” in order to define self

and dismiss others to approve of self.

Love makes unexpected friendships

-being completely unaware of self.

Fear is against.

Love is too busy standing for and with to have her attention diverted.

Fear survives.

Love thrives.

As I scroll through my Facebook feed, I'm met with fear-filled posts that are dismissive to strategically created "others." As I read, I'm reminded that those who are defensive are currently submitting to fear and, therefore, momentarily, incapable of love 

                                               - just as I am incapable of love when I'm a slave to fear. 

And I recall  treasured words I memorized as a child- words I still believe and cling to...

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18


  1. I love this. What a great motivational message for Monday!

  2. Beautiful and true. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Beautifully written especially in these troubling times throughout the world.

    1. Thanks. It's easy to feel helpless during these times. At the same time, I have to remember to love (rather than fear). That's what I know I CAN do.

  4. Love this! Especially this line: Love makes unexpected friendships -being completely unaware of self.
    Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Thanks, Rica! My children are exceptional at reminding me how beautiful people are when they are self-unaware.

  5. <3 Oh goodness, yes! This is a breath of fresh air!


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